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Help Me Pay: Kentucky

If you are a Peoples customer in Kentucky and need help paying your gas bill, there are several resources available.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded program to help customers meet their home heating needs. If you are out of work, or have a fixed monthly income and are having trouble paying your gas bill, help is available. LIHEAP is not a loan. The funds are government grants that do not need to be paid back. If you meet the eligibility guidelines and qualify for these grants, these funds can be applied directly to your Peoples account.

Review the chart below to see if you might qualify. For more information on LIHEAP or to apply, click here.

Ready to apply? Find your local Community Action Agency to apply.

Kentucky Homeowners and Renters: LIHEAP Eligibility

Household #

Monthly Gross Income

Yearly Gross Income

























For each additional person add:  $568 $6,810


In Kentucky, the CRISIS component of LIHEAP typically runs from early January until the middle of March, or until all funds have been distributed. To qualify for CRISIS, you must meet the LIHEAP criteria listed above and be in a crisis situation involving loss of heating energy (applicants must provide a utility disconnect notice); have four or fewer days worth of fuel oil, propane, kerosene, wood or coal available; or, have received an eviction notice citing unpaid rent (applies to applicants whose heating costs are included as an undesignated portion of the rent. Households at or above 75% of poverty level must pay a portion or co-payment of the minimum amount necessary to alleviate the crisis.

Learn More

Ready to apply? Find your local Community Action Agency to apply.

More Help Is Available

  • Healthy at Home Eviction Relief & Utility Assistance

    Kentucky's Healthy at Home initiative reopened on February 15, 2021 to assist those impacted by the pandemic with rental and utility assistance. Eligible applicants can receive up to 100% of utility bills issued April 1, 2020 or later, plus three months in additional funds towards their future utility bills. Payments are made directly to the utility.

    The program will close when funds have expired, so it's important to apply now!

  • Medical Certification: Termination Notice

    If you have a current termination notice please call 1-800-764-0111 before printing this form to learn more about the Medical Certification process.

    If your account is eligible for a Medical Certification, we will delay termination of service for up to 30 days if you or anyone living in your home is seriously ill. You must have a licensed physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner complete the Medical Certification Form.

    In addition to submitting the signed Medical Certification, you must also make arrangements to pay your gas bill. Contact us with household income and occupant information and, if you are eligible, we’ll provide you with a monthly payment arrangement while maintaining protection under the Medical Certification.


  • Community Action Kentucky (CAK)

    Community Action Kentucky (CAK) is a statewide association assisting the 23 community action agencies as they work to empower individuals and families to attain greater economic success. Community Action Kentucky acts as a statewide voice for local community action agencies and low-income individuals.

    Community Action Kentucky
  • Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services

    The Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) is home to most of Kentucky's human services and health care programs, including Medicaid, the Department for Community Based Services, and the Department for Public Health.

    Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services

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