5 Tips to Save on Heat
Now that winter is in full swing, you’re probably more inclined to crank up the heat to keep warm. But before you do, here are a couple of helpful tips to keep your home warmer while saving money on energy.
Tip 1: Change Your Furnace Filter Regularly
A standard filter should be changed once a month during heating season. Dirty air filters can cause dust, dirt and grime to build up on the heating components. This makes your furnace have to work harder, which means it’s more likely to malfunction. When in doubt, change the filter! It’s much cheaper to replace an air filter than to buy a new furnace.
Tip 2: Turn Your Heat Down at Night or When You’re Gone During the Day
Turning your heat down 6-10 degrees for 8 hours a day from its normal setting could save you up to 10% on your heating bill. You can also turn your heat down at night to save money as well. If you have your favorite heavy sweater or comfy blanket, bundle up and drift into sweet dreams about all the money that you could save.
Tip 3: Check for Leaks in Weather Stripping
It might have been a while since you replaced or checked your weather stripping under your exterior doors and windows. If there are rips, tears or deterioration, heat could be slipping out of your home. Here’s a simple test: Run your hands over the door or window frames; if you feel cold air, you need new weather stripping! This simple measure can help keep the heat in your home, where it should be.
Tip 4: Seal Drafty Windows
There’s nothing worse than feeling like you are throwing money out the window. Use a heavy-duty clear plastic sheet on a window frame or tape clear plastic film on the inside of your window to reduce the cold air sneaking in. You can also use a caulking gun to reseal any cracks around the window itself.
Tip 5: Turn Your Water Heater Down or to Vacation Mode
Turning your water heater down could save you up to 3-5% on your energy bill. Most manufacturers set water heater thermostats to 140 degrees, but most households only need them to be set at 120 degrees. The CDC recommends 120 degrees Farenheit or lower. This will not only save you money on your water bill, but it can also prevent you from scalding yourself. And if you’re going on vacation, your water heater should go on vacation! Before leaving, set your water heater to vacation mode.
Need extra help? We’re here.
We understand that sometimes paying your gas bill can be difficult, even with the help of energy saving tips. There are a variety of federal and state programs that offer support, along with tremendous community partners like the United Way and Dollar Energy Fund.
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