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Emergency Hotline: 1.800.400.4271

24 hours a day / 7 days a week

What is an Emergency?

Gas leaks, an odor of gas, damaged lines, and carbon monoxide symptoms are all considered emergencies. If you have an emergency, call our emergency hotline at 1-800-400-4271 . Our personnel are ready to assist you 24/7. When in doubt, call us immediately. 

If you smell gas, do not attempt to locate the leak. Instead, leave the house or building right away. Do not turn on or off any electrical switches, appliances, or lights, as an electrical charge could create a spark. When you are in a safe place, call the Peoples emergency hotline.

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We All Need A Hand Sometimes

At Peoples, we understand that sometimes it can be difficult to pay your gas bill. We are here to help you in any way we can. Use our ProgramFinder to see your options.

Use Our ProgramFinder

The Unexpected Happens

Once in a while, life throws you a curveball, and you may need a little help. There are several programs that may be able to assist you if you're dealing with problems like:

Bill Icon
You need help to pay your gas bill
Screwdriver and wrench icon
Your furnace or gas line needs to be repaired
Meter icon
Your gas is shut off or might be shut off

You Have Options

There are many programs available to help. We're here to find the best solution to keep you safe and warm. Use our ProgramFinder to get started.

Please select your state

We'll Give You A Hand

By answering a few anonymous questions about your income and situation, our ProgramFinder will show you which programs you may be eligible for.

Find Out If I'm Eligible

Don't worry. We'll keep all of your information private.


Customer Assistance Program
This Peoples program offers payment plans for customers based on your income or budget, rather than how much gas you use.

How It Works

  • We'll determine if you're eligible.
  • You'll complete an application by phone or online.
  • You'll provide proof of income by mail or fax.
  • If approved, you'll start receiving a special bill based on your income instead of how much gas you use.


Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
A federally funded, state-run grant program that makes payments directly to Peoples on your behalf. These funds do not need to be paid back.

How It Works

  • We'll determine if you're eligible.
  • You'll read more about the information needed to apply.
  • You'll apply either online, or by downloading the application and mailing it in.


Emergency Repair Fund
A Peoples-funded grant to help cutstomers repair broken equipment or gas lines.

How It Works

  • We'll determine if you're eligible based on your income.
  • You'll provide proof of income and home ownership.
  • A professional will visit your home to review your equipment or gas line issue.
  • A professional will come to your home and repair your broken equipment or damaged gas line.


Dollar Energy Fund
Dollar Energy Fund grant (DEF) is funded by our customers, with a matching grant from Peoples. It provides grants to people to help with your gas bill. To be eligible for a DEF grant, you must meet the following criteria:

How It Works

  • You must have applied for LIHEAP/Crisis benefits first (when open).
  • Your account must be for residential service (single family or apartment).
  • The name on the account must be for an adult currently living in the household.
  • You must have made a good faith payment on your account within the last 90 days of applying for the grant.
  • Total gross household income must be at or below the income guidelines.


Kentucky Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
LIHEAP is a federally funded program to help customers meet their home heating needs. LIHEAP is not a loan. The funds are applied directly to your Peoples account and do not need to be paid back.

How It Works

  • You'll review the eligibility requirements online.
  • You'll apply online using the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) website.

Usage Reduction

Reduce energy costs
Our Usage Reduction Program is a weatherization program that helps customers reduce energy costs by making your home more energy efficient.

How It Works

  • Your household income must meet the guidelines.
  • Your gas usage must also meet the requirements.
  • You must have lived in the home for at least one year.


Through LIHEAP
If you are experiencing a heating crisis, you may be eligible for additional funds through LIHEAP.

How It Works

  • Emergency situations include things like broken heating equipment, a utility shut-off notice, and other situations.
  • Once you review the eligibility information, visit Pennsylvania's LIHEAP page to apply.


Through LIHEAP
If you are experiencing a heating crisis, you may be eligible for additional funds through LIHEAP.

How It Works

  • Emergency situations include things like broken heating equipment, a utility shut-off notice, and other situations.
  • Once you review the eligibility information, visit Kentucky's LIHEAP page to apply.

Healthy at Home

Eviction Relief and Utility Assistance
This program assists those impacted by the pandemic with rental and utility assistance.

How It Works

  • Eligible applicants can receive up to 100% of utility bills issued after April 1, 2020.
  • Eligible applicants may also receive three months in additional funds towards future utility bills.
  • Payments are made directly to the utility.

Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Rent and Utility Assistance
This program assists renters, and their landlords, who have been financially impacted by the pandemic with rental and utility assistance.

How It Works

  • Determine if you're eligible based on income.
  • Prepare any documents that you will need to complete your application.
  • Allegheny County renters can apply through the Allegheny County Emergency Rental Assistance website.
  • Other Pennsylvania customers should apply through the COMPASS online application or through your county.
Budget Billing

Seasonal changes in your monthly gas bill can be stressful. By signing up for Budget Billing, we'll average your monthly usage and give you a steady, affordable monthly gas bill.

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Third Party Notifications

If you are ill, disabled, or away from your home for long periods of time, you may not be able to pay your bills by the due dates. Peoples Third Party Notice allows you to choose a relative, friend, clergyman, or even social service agency who is notified if you did not pay your bill or have overdue payments.

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Braille or Large Print Bill

If you have a visual impairment, Peoples is happy to provide a large print bill or braille bill. Contact us to sign up for a braille or large print bill. You must document visual impairment.

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Relay Service

There are relay services available for individuals with hearing loss. You can cal 711, 1-800-654-5988, or TTY# at 1-800-654-5984.

Contact Peoples
Reduce Your Energy Usage

There are many simple, inexpensive steps you can take to make your home more energy efficient, which can help lower your gas bill.

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