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Help Me Pay

If you're having trouble paying your gas bill, there are many organizations and programs that can help.

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    Our Gas Guys, Walt and Bob, are experts on lowering your gas bill! They're here to show you all sorts of ways that you can increase efficiency and save money on energy. Furnaces, thermostats, radiators...you name it, they've got tips for you!
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    Our employees talk about the many ways we're here to help customers pay their gas bills.
  • Customer Support - Checklist
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    Peoples Helps: Customer Assistance Programs

At Peoples, we understand that sometimes it can be difficult to pay your gas bill. We are here to help you in any way we can. We offer a variety of programs for customers on limited or fixed incomes, or who may have special needs.

Feel free to browse through this section of our website to learn more about all of the resources available to you. Contact us at 1-800-400-WARM (9276) for details, eligibility requirements, and enrollment information.

Some of our customers need help to maintain their gas services. Peoples' Customer Assistance Programs provide that support. We are here to make gas more affordable for those customers who are struggling, especially during the cold months. By teaming up with the National Energy and Utility Affordability Coalition, we are committed to making our customers' lives better.

Please call 1-800-400-WARM (9276) to learn more about these programs, and to see how we can help you.

Medical Certification - Termination Notice

If you have a current termination notice please call 1-800-764-0111 before printing this form to learn more about the Medical Certification process.

If your account is eligible for a Medical Certification, we will delay termination of service for up to 30 days if you or anyone living in your home is seriously ill. You must have a licensed physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner complete the Medical Certification Form.

In addition to submitting the signed Medical Certification, you must also make arrangements to pay your gas bill. Contact us with household income and occupant information and, if you are eligible, we’ll provide you with a monthly payment arrangement while maintaining protection under the Medical Certification.

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Helpful Programs in Your State

  • Pennsylvania: Weatherize Your Home

    Our Usage Reduction Program is a weatherization program that helps customers reduce energy costs. To "weatherize" your home, we would help make your home more energy efficient, which will help you save money heating and cooling your home. Weatherization includes things like attic and wall caulking, insulation, and weather stripping. Check our income guidelines to see if you're eligible.
    Usage Reduction - Income Guidelines
  • Kentucky: Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)

    LIHEAP is also available for our customers in Kentucky. If you have a fixed monthly income and are having trouble paying your gas bill, LIHEAP can help. LIHEAP funds are government grants that you never have to pay back. If you meet the eligibility guidelines and qualify for these grants, these funds can be applied directly to your Peoples account. Visit our Help Me Pay: Kentucky page to see if you're eligible.
    Kentucky LIHEAP - Income Guidelines