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Federal Pipeline Regulations require that all individuals performing any maintenance on pipeline facilities be qualified for this type of work. The individual must be evaluated to assure they are capable of performing the tasks properly and safely, in accordance with Peoples’ procedures, while utilizing approved materials.

Certified plumbers and service line installers must complete a Service Installation Record (SIR) form and submit it to Peoples after they complete their work on the customer's service line and the line has been tested. They must also review the rules and regulations associated with installing pipelines and connections.


Beginning August 2024, Peoples will begin installing a new brand of Itron meter on residential homes. These smaller, easier to handle meters are equipped with an excessive flow, slam shut device. If any appliances are purged wide open, the internal valve will automatically close, rendering this meter inoperable. Care must be taken to purge any appliance or internal line with a purge-burning device. Any valve beyond the meter must be cracked open slowly to avoid damage to the meter.

Please watch this video for important information regarding the new Intelis 250 Gas Meter:

Online SIR Form

You can now submit your SIR Form online! To create an account:

  1. Open the online SIR Form page.
  2. Click "Request a new user."
  3. Fill in all of the fields. You will receive an email that you will need to confirm in order to save your username and password. We will then review your account and approve it.
  4. Once we approve your account, you can visit the online SIR Form page and login. 
  5. To submit a new SIR Form, please follow these instructions.

Sign Up or Login


Before Submitting Your SIR Form:


New Construction

  • Has the service line been installed properly with a gauge (Kuhlman or spring) on and holding 90lbs of pressure?

  • Has the tracer wire been installed?

  • Is the riser secured and the spread set to 14” across x 16” down?

  • Has the house line been installed through the wall sleeve? If so, do all interior lines have valves installed and are they plugged or capped at the valve or attached to an appliance?



  • Has the service line been installed properly with a gauge (Kuhlman or spring) on and holding 90lbs of pressure?

  • Has the tracer wire been installed?

  • Is the tie-hole dug to the standard 4x4 foot area required for the service tech to perform the connection?

  • Has the house line been installed? If so, are all open lines capped?


Anonymous Online SIR Form

If you do not wish to create an online account, you can still submit your SIR Form online through our Anonymous SIR Form. Please note that once you begin the form, you will not be able to save your work. 

Printed SIR Form

New Construction Service Line Installations

Peoples will no longer accept the Express Service installation process. All new installations must be installed in accordance with the instructions found in the Installer's Guide. Please check the website often for any additional changes that may occur.

Standby Service

Standby Service is when a customer is receiving natural gas service from Peoples as a standby or back-up to an alternative fuel source (such as a well). To receive Standby Service from Peoples, the property’s service line must be outfitted with a three-way valve in accordance with Section 414 of the International Fuel Gas Code, and it must be installed by a qualified plumber. More information on Standby Service specifications.