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Celebrating Black History Month
At Peoples, we’re committed to making lives better and fostering an inclusive workforce. From the work of our Diversity & Inclusion Committee, to a focus on diversity in hiring, our goal is to encourage a welcoming culture where everyone is respected and appreciated.
From left to right: Terri Grover, Charles Brazier, Monica Alston, Joi Patterson, Lois Kimbrough
In honor of Black History Month, we’d like to take the time to acknowledge some of the black men and women here at Peoples who continue to help pave the way for other employees of color. In this series, we interviewed six employees, past and present, to learn about their careers here, to discuss some of their personal experiences, and to have an open conversation about race in the work place. In the upcoming days, you’ll get to meet:
Monica Alston, Manager, Construction Operations Administration
Charles Brazier, Lead Supervisor, Gas Operations
Joi Patterson, Senior Representative, Customer Service Center
Lois Kimbrough, Supervisor, Customer Service Center
Lira Pridgen, Operations Manager, Retiree
Terri Grover, Supervisor, Customer Service Center
We look forward to introducing you to these employees and sharing their professional achievements and personal stories – what inspires them, and how they inspire us. These articles will be posted here on our website over the next few days. We also encourage you to follow Peoples on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for clips from the upcoming articles.
With over 1,300 employees serving your communities, Peoples is proud to call this region home. By supporting a diverse workforce, we strive to become even more inclusive, as we continue to look for new ways to empower our employees and our communities.