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Emergency Hotline: 1.800.400.4271

24 hours a day / 7 days a week

What is an Emergency?

Gas leaks, an odor of gas, damaged lines, and carbon monoxide symptoms are all considered emergencies. If you have an emergency, call our emergency hotline at 1-800-400-4271 . Our personnel are ready to assist you 24/7. When in doubt, call us immediately. 

If you smell gas, do not attempt to locate the leak. Instead, leave the house or building right away. Do not turn on or off any electrical switches, appliances, or lights, as an electrical charge could create a spark. When you are in a safe place, call the Peoples emergency hotline.

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The Next Generation of Transportation

For decades, natural gas has been recognized as a clean fuel for power generation, residential and commercial heating and cooking, and manufacturing. Lately, natural gas also has become one of the key fuels in the transition to a new generation of transportation that is environmentally friendly.

Natural gas powered vehicles (NGVs), which produce far fewer emissions than gasoline and diesel vehicles, increasingly are the vehicle of choice for public transportation and fleets of company service and delivery vehicles. Presently, there are more than 11,000 transit buses, 5,500 natural gas-powered school buses, and tens of thousands of fleet vehicles logging millions of low emission miles throughout the United States. This burgeoning fleet of public transportation and company vehicles is supported by a large and rapidly growing infrastructure of thousands of compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquid natural gas (LNG) refueling stations.

In our service area, Peoples actively is working with our commercial and industrial customers to foster the growth of NGV fleets in the travel, transport, logistics, and other crucial markets. Currently, there are over 30 public and private NGV fueling stations in our service territory.

"We are committed to bringing our customers and operations practices together," says William Sapon. "Our investment in critical clean energy and transportation technology well reflects this. It brings us closer to those we serve while providing the momentum to modernize grid infrastructures over the next five years."

- William Sapon, Clean Energy & Transportation Advisor at Peoples

Peoples is very well positioned to promote NGVs to our customers because of our large existing gas distribution network, our proximity to the abundant supply of the Marcellus and Utica shale gas production, and our commitment to the mission of rapidly expanding the use of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). Compared to electric vehicles, the cost per mile for NGVs is less and refueling times are faster, often making natural gas vehicles the better alternative fuel vehicle choice in Peoples' service area. If you want to learn more about the benefits of NGVs and see how NGVs can make a world of difference for your fleet, Let's Talk!

NGVs are among the new energy technologies benefiting Peoples' customers. Peoples is on the forefront of producing renewable natural gas (RNG) from landfill waste facilities, wastewater treatment plants, food processing, and agriculture. Also, Peoples' combined heat and power (CHP) technologies allow industrial and commercial customers to have a reliable source of power for onsite electric vehicle charging.

This is an exciting time for the future of natural gas, which continues to be abundant, accessible, and economically prudent for the energy industry and those it serves.

We look forward to sharing these other advances in natural gas clean technology with you in future articles.

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