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Prevent Poisoning

To learn how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, you should be aware of the most common causes of carbon monoxide:

  • Improper appliance installation

  • Lack of air (which prevents appliances from combusting and working properly)

  • Solid or liquid fuel-burning appliances, like a generator

  • Lack of maintenance

  • Improper venting

  • Barbequing inside a home

  • Misusing a fuel-burning appliance

How Can I Prevent CO Poisoning?

  • Check for proper installation of appliances and vents.

  • Look for clues, like rust of carbon build-up.

  • In a natural gas fireplace, always check that gas logs are arranged so that the flame doesn't impinge on them.

  • Verify that vented gas logs are installed ONLY in an existing masonry fireplace, with the damper lock open.

  • Install a functioning CO detector in your home:

    • Check that the detector has been listed and approved

    • Install according to the manufacturer's instructions

    • Avoid installing the CO detector near kitchens, garage entrances, or bathrooms.

    • Everyday household cleaning products can cause CO detectors to malfunction

    • Always follow recommended maintenance