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How to Dig Safely

Natural gas pipelines run under streets and sidewalks, and under yards and homes. If people dig into these areas, they can damage those pipelines, and natural gas can leak out. Even a small leak can cause a fire hazard.

When you call 811, your utility locator service makes sure underground utilities are clearly marked so people can dig a safe distance away from them. If you know of someone who is planning a digging project, remind them to call 811 at least three business days before they start to dig.

If excavation or digging work is being done in your neighborhood, look for One Call markings and/or flags. If you have a contractor digging on your property, ask the contractor to be extra careful and make sure there are One Call markings and/or flags. The contractor should ensure that all workers are careful to avoid those marked lines.

So remember, if you see small colored flags or letters painted on the ground, leave them alone! They are there to mark the location of underground gas lines and other utilities. These utility locator markings protect you from injury and prevent damage to underground lines. Here's what each color represents:


Color Marker Codes

It's a free call to 811 and it's the law! If you're a homeowner, be sure to call at least three days prior to the start of any digging.