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Gas leaks, an odor of gas, damaged lines, and carbon monoxide symptoms are all considered emergencies. If you have an emergency, call our emergency hotline at 1-800-400-4271 . Our personnel are ready to assist you 24/7. When in doubt, call us immediately. 

If you smell gas, do not attempt to locate the leak. Instead, leave the house or building right away. Do not turn on or off any electrical switches, appliances, or lights, as an electrical charge could create a spark. When you are in a safe place, call the Peoples emergency hotline.

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Combined Heat and Power

Reliable power generation that's better for your budget and the environment.

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Most companies get their power from the grid — and if the grid goes down, they’re forced to rely on back-up power. But what if you could produce your own electricity right on site and save money doing it?

From universities to hospitals to hotels, Combined Heat and Power systems allow you to produce electricity and heat right at your facility, giving you flexibility and reliability. CHP systems consume about half of the fuel that a central power station uses, while still providing the same amount of energy. Plus, conventional methods of producing heat and power separately are only about 45% efficient, and waste heat produced at power plants is just that — wasted heat.

Instead, by producing electricity on site and recycling waste heat, CHP systems are up to twice as efficient as conventional heat and power generation.

Talk to a Peoples expert and see for yourself how CHP can make a world of difference for your building, bottom line, and the environment.

There are a couple of different configurations of typical CHP systems:

  • Reciprocal CHP: reciprocal gas engine, driving electric motors
  • Turbine CHP: gas turbine engine, driving electric motors
  • Trigen CHP: gas engine, driving electric motors with absorption chillers
Let's talk about how installing a CHP system can save you money.

With multiple configurations and technologies available, a CHP system can be easily tailored to fit your budget and needs.

Our low-cost, abundant gas supply is produced right here in Pennsylvania, and that price isn't predicted to fluctuate any time soon. This gas is tied directly into our pipeline system, avoiding the costs associated with interstate pipelines.

Using captured heat from onsite power generation provides a steady and reliable source to create hot air, hot water, steam, or chilled water, all of which will help save money.

Let's explore how a CHP system can lead to more efficient energy generation for your facility.

CHP systems can operate at up to 80% efficiency, whereas conventional heat and power systems have a combined efficiency of 45%.

By working with Peoples, we can provide access to over 15 different marketers's natural gas operating pools.

CHP systems provide unrivaled efficiency by generating electricity, hot water, and even cold water at your location, avoiding transmission line loss from a power plant.

CHP systems are flexible and can be the sole source of heat and power for a business or can be integrated with existing systems and equipment.

Let's talk about how a CHP system can bring flexibility and reliability to your business's energy needs.

If you're relying on the grid, you're only as strong as your back-up generators. A CHP system gives you a whole extra layer of resiliency—ensuring your business doesn't miss a beat.

The natural gas pipes used for CHP systems are underground and are virtually unaffected by weather conditions, unlike electric power lines.

Our service territory extends throughout Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky. We have the flexibility to pull from over 8,000 producer direct interconnects within our pipeline system and over 1 bcfd of interconnect capacity.

Let's show how CHP systems can significantly reduce your carbon footprint.

The amount of greenhouse gas emissions you produce depends on the amount of fuel you burn. You can cut your CO2 production in half using CHP.

CHP systems put an end to fly ash and virtually eliminate water consumption.

Conventional methods of producing heat and power separately are only about 45% efficient, as your electricity has to travel to your facility. By producing electricity and heat right on-site, you're not losing energy along the way.

Talk with an Expert

Sean Coughlin – Manager of Large Volume Sales

Sean has worked in the natural gas industry for over 18 years. He's excited that CHP systems can deliver significant savings and reliability to our customers.

Start the conversation about Combined Heat and Power as a possible solution to your energy needs. Chat with Sean Coughlan, Manager of Large Volume Sales, by submitting the form below or giving him a call at 412-258-4548

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